Winter (Nov-March)
What is the best time for Striper Fishing in Texas? Anytime you can!
If you book a winter trip you can expect cold, windy, and at times wet weather on Lake Texoma. Make sure you have proper Gortex gear. Winter striper fishing Lake Texoma is very good and we catch our biggest fish of the year each winter. The bait-tank is in the shop during the winter season and Deadsticking Flukes are our main tactic to catch Big Striper. We will still have some Seagulls on the lake leading us to very active Striper.
Deadsticking flukes is a great technique to catch lethargic Striper in cold water. The season starts when water temperatures dip below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Deadsticking is an old Crappie Fishing Technique that Striper Anglers customized. We drop a 3/4 to 1.5oz jig head with a 3-inch to 5-inch fluke and hold the rig very still. Stripers are inactive during the cold winter months and will suck the bait in. A fun and exciting technique.
Best Time for Striper Fishing in Texas-Spring (April-May)
Lake Texoma starts to wake up from a cold long winter. Threadfin and gizzard shad seek warm water and the rocks in Lake Texoma hold the answers. The sun heats up the rocks and the shallow water warms up very fast. Shad love the warmer water and Lake Texoma Striped Bass eat baitfish. We will still fish lures in Spring, but the epic live-bait bite will start soon. Striper fishing the rocks on Lake Texoma will be our Spring pattern. Underspin Jigheads and bucktail jigs are the keys to success in five to fifteen feet of water.
Lake Texoma has a natural Striper Spawn which starts each year around April depending on the weather. Striper run up the Washita and Red River to spawn. Live-bait becomes king and we catch Striper on the way to and from the spawn. We release most of the big fish during the spawn but will have enough boxfish for your family fish fry. May is our best live-bait fishing month. Striper are ready to feed after the spawn and key in on live-bait.
Summer (June-Aug)
We continue to fish live-bait most of the summer, but mid-June to July the Slab Spoon season starts. Vertically jigging slab spoons is a great technique to catch big Lake Texoma Striper. Vertical jigging is very easy. Anglers drop a one to two-ounce slab spoon lure straight down to the depth of the fish and lift your rod tip. Striper will hit the slab spoon on the lift and fall so make sure you keep slack out of the line to detect all strikes. The dog days of summer will be spent in deep water near the dam fishing live-bait. We may anchor on a deep hump or set up a slow drift over structure.
Best Time for Striper Fishing in Texas-Fall (Sept-Oct)
The top-water plug season hits its peak in September. Catching double-digit Striper in two feet of sandy water on a five-inch topwater lure is very exciting! The boat pulls up on a sandbar, anglers cast topwater lures to the beach, the sun is just coming up and you can feel the breeze pick up a bit, you hear the rattles click and clank, then it happens! The water explodes and all anglers look out from the boat. Wait until you feel the fish, then set the hook. The big fish peels off the drag and your rod doubles over. Ten minutes later you get your picture with a ten-pound Striper! Yes, we love topwater fishing on Lake Texoma.
The topwater bite ends at 8-9 AM then we will slide back into 20 feet of water and drift live-bait and pick up fish that have moved from shallow to deeper structure. October our seagulls move back to the lake to eat shad and show Lake Texoma Fishing Guides where the Striper are located. October is a free for all. Pick a fishing style you like and catch lots of fish. October is our best fishing month each year. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.
Lake Texoma is a special fishery and we are happy to show you why it is the Striper Capital of the World. Book your trip today.
Best Time for Striper Fishing in Texas
The million-dollar question asked by every customer that has hired a guide on Lake Texoma! When is the Best Time for Striper Fishing in Texas? As a Lake Texoma Fishing Guide for over 16 years, the answer is easy, now! Lake Texoma is a Striper Factory! The Lake was stocked in the 1960’s and has produced great Striper ever since! Lake Texoma is stocked every year by Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC) and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD)! The resident Striper reproduce naturally due to the high salt content pushed into Lake Texoma from the Red River! A prolific threadfin and gizzard shad population create a perfect storm for the Striper and White Bass population to explode! Follow Lake Texoma Striper Guide Steve Buckley for more information!
Neophyte or Skilled Striper Angler
We try to custom design our trips to the clients’ fishing ability. If you own your own boat and fish 200 days a year and want to learn the lake, we won’t tie up too five other boats and live baitfish! If a client does not like cold weather, we will not suggest a deadstick trip in January. If you and your crew have never been fishing before we are not going to suggest a September Topwater Trip where all anglers must cast a five-inch topwater plug twenty yards in the wind! Wow, that thought makes my skin crawl! The thought of 4 neophyte anglers in a boat casting lures with three treble hooks in the wind! A true Texoma Striper Guide September nightmare! There are times of the year live bait is KING and lure fishing gets difficult at best. We don’t want lure anglers on an August Trip!
Customer Fishing Style Preference
Let us know if you like to cast swimbaits to catch Striper. Swimbait fishing for Texoma Striper is fun and exciting when the fish rips the rod out of your hand! We start throwing swimbaits from March until October and catch some healthy Striper! The warmer the weather the quicker we reel our swimbaits. March is slow-rolling swimbaits back to the boat, and June is reeling lures as fast as possible! Some anglers grew up vertically jigging slab spoons and prefer this method! No worries, the slab catches more Striped Bass on Texoma year in and year out!
Turn Technology Off and Enjoy Lake Texoma
Some clients simply don’t care if we catch fish or just drift live shad in the warm summer breeze. We love this kind of trip! Smartphones off, cooler full of cold drinks, bait tank full, let’s go enjoy Lake Texoma and life! We have lots of business people who want a day or three away from the office, no worries we have you covered. Drifting live bait in 20 feet of water with 4-5 poles in the rod holder is very relaxing…….Until they all get slammed by Texoma Striper! Now you are in for a battle and an exciting day on the lake! Lake Texoma Striper fishing can be dull and boring for an hour, but when we locate hungry fish, hang on! A limit of Striper on Texoma is 10 fish per client. We can limit out a 5 person trip in 45 minutes! Come find out today!
Customer Service Driven Since 2002
You can find 100 Lake Texoma Striper Guides in one Google Search. We have lots of quality guides on Texoma, but to find the best look for guides that use social media, use a fishing report blog, and write quality content that is not the same article spun over and over to rank on Google! Give us a shot at your next trip, you will enjoy the experience or your money back! The Lake Texoma Guaranteed Guide Service since 2002! So when is the Best Time for Striper Fishing in Texas, May, and June! Oh, hang on October is great! Opppseeee, we love to topwater fish in September! December we catch some big striper deadsticking! OK you get the idea, now is the best time to Striper Fish Texoma! Follow How to Catch Striper on Lake Texoma for more information!
Striper Fish Texoma with Captain Steve Buckley! Every month is the best time for striper fishing in Texas!
I really enjoyed this post! I have a blog myself, if you are open, I might curate this post to my audience. Obviously give a link back.
Feel free Brian. Give my website guy (Mike) a call at 469-418-5326. He likes to guest blog and sets all that up.
Iam planning a trip with my neighbor this weekend to put in at Juniper Point, they said the wind will be blowing at 25-30 do you we’ll get blown off the lake if we stay close and not go out in open water Iam fishing out of a 19 ft Ranger
Please be safe. 19 foot boat is a bit small for that wind.